Monday, March 20, 2017

"Lessons from Dad"

A year ago I was sitting around a pool in Palm Springs, California, watching my kids play and reflecting on life. They have always had a lot of questions about my job. This career has always provided opportunities for me to reflect both on my own success and family, and to realize how lucky we are. So many go through tragedy, strife, and any number of unfortunate circumstances. My kids live in a world where they are provided the things they need, and a lot of the things they want. I wished to share with them and in some part teach them the understanding of what others go through, as well as the lessons many of these situations have taught me. I considered writing a book that talked about these things, lessons from Dad that they could go to as they grow older.

I began the process of outlining ideas:
"staying out of dark places keeps you safe,"
"just because you can do something doesn't mean you should,"
"not everyone lives behind white picket fences,"
"always leave people in a better place then you found them."

These became the building blocks of what has now become the draft manuscript for Unconventional Classroom. As this book has come into focus, additional themes and content have been added: practical lessons pertaining to ethical decision making models, selling life sentences, the power of social influences, project management, and leadership to name a few.

Now a year later, I am pleasantly surprised how far the book has come. With the help of co-authour Sarah Graham, who I am grateful for and required to help me temper the realities of writing real life, I have found myself cathartically reflecting back over my eighteen plus years and have come to realize that damn, I have learned a lot.

We have almost finished writing this book that I believe represents the many facets and lessons living a career in policing teaches. I also hope we have written a book that my peers, my Service and I will be proud of, and that also captures a different side to what people may think "cops" actually are.

I look forward to the book’s completion, recognizing it is definitely a balancing act to find time to do so. Once it is finally finished and out, I hope it will be a launch pad for other opportunities such as public speaking, and who knows, maybe even a sequel.

But first, we must finish. So it's back to writing and editing those finishing touches. Thanks for checking in.
